(b. 1995, lives in Kraków) studied at the Lviv State Institute of Decorative and Applied Arts, at the Faculty of Art of the Pedagogical University in Krakow and at the Academy of Fine Arts in Szczecin, currently she is a DFA student at the Academy of Fine Arts in Gdańsk. She is an author of videos, installations, and community activities. Romankiv’s projects are often participatory in nature and combine working methods of visual arts, activism, animation, and social sciences. Being interested in the status of social minorities, in particular people who have experienced migration, Romankiv studies the mechanisms of exclusion and the possibility of overcoming them in relation to ranks related to citizenship, gender, class or education.
Architects, 2019, video, 9’16’’, courtesy of the artist
participants: Robert Frans, Aneta Kubiak, Wojciech Kozłowski, Piotr Staniszewski, Bohdan Wojtasik
cinematography: Mateusz Lipiński
The work was created in cooperation with persons from Nowa Huta who have experienced homelessness. The artist arranged a situation in which they impersonated architects, engineers and organizers of urban space, designing maps of the most important places for them, pointing to problems, as well as proposing changes and looking for solutions. The film is a record of their discussions. Nowa Huta, now a district of Kraków, was created as an ideal socialist city for workers and workers of a metallurgical conglomerate and is an example of top-down space design that ignores the diversity of its users’ experiences. The paper proposes a redesign of the principles of creating fair cities and societies. The process of change begins by listening to the needs of minorities and groups that have so far been deprived of a voice in public space.

Biuro Gospodarki Mieszkaniowej / Centrum Biznesu, ul. Bohaterów Westerplatte 23