Katarzyna Żeglicka
is a genderqueer crip theatre pedagogue, cultural animator, performer, and choreographer; a feminist and queer activist; a certified instructor of WenDo, a self-defence and assertiveness course for women and girls; a career adviser and work trainer. She has completed a stage choreography course under the guidance of Iwona Olszowska and gained competence in the field of dance and inclusiveness in Poland, Sweden, the Netherlands, and Italy. In 2020, during the Rezydenci w rezydencji programme at the CK Zamek in Poznań, she co-staged, with Antek Kurjata, the show Gra w kontra-s-TY. Her new project, Dzikorosła, has secured funding from the City of Kraków (2022). Laureate of the Europe Beyond Access competition for the etude Rezonans kontrastu (2021), which she has presented in Kathmandu (2019), among other places. She has performed in the shows Poruszenie and PokaZ 21and in the video performance Poza kwarantanną. For over 20 years, she has been working with people who experience discrimination and violence, running workshops and laboratories in the field of body work, anti-discrimination, violence, empowerment, and inclusiveness. She works with cultural institutions, universities, and non-governmental organizations. Founder and president of the association Stowarzyszenie Strefa Wenus z Milo (2014–2020), member of the Kolektyw Artykuł 6 collective.